Sisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design

Analytics and Business Intelligence Platform

Sisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design


Sisense is a business intelligence software company that provides a platform for data analysis and visualization. It allows users to gather data from various sources, transform it into meaningful insights, and create interactive dashboards and reports.

  • Project

    Business Intelligence Software

  • Category

    Analytics and Business

  • Year



70% of Business Analysts and Operations Managers are using access to advanced analytics capabilities, in a meaningful way.

Leverage Sisense’s powerful analytics engine to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and correlations within your data. From descriptive to predictive analytics, Sisense equips you with the tools to make data-driven decisions.

Sisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design - Ai

Case Structure

A Sisense case study would focus specifically on the use of the Sisense platform as the solution. The Design section would delve into details of data acquisition, dashboard development, and functionalities utilized within Sisense.

Sisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design - AiSisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design - Ai

Problem & Solution

Massive datasets contain a huge amount of information. Sisense might present all this information at once, making it difficult to quickly identify the most important details and patterns.

Implement Al-powered data exploration features. These features can analyze user behavior and suggest relevant data points, visualizations, or insights based on their initial exploration patterns.

Sisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design - Ai

Branding & Logo

Sisense establishes a strong brand identity through its distinct logo and carefully curated brand guidelines. The Sisense logo serves as a visual representation of the brand. It features a bold, modern typeface.

Sisense offers comprehensive brand guidelines, a document outlining the proper usage of the logo, fonts, colors, and overall brand voice. These guidelines ensure consistency across all communication channels.

Sisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design - AiSisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design - Ai

Typography & Colors

Sisense establishes a strong brand identity through its distinct logo and carefully curated brand guidelines. The Sisense logo serves as a visual representation of the brand. It features a bold, modern typeface.

Sisense offers comprehensive brand guidelines, a document outlining the proper usage of the logo, fonts, colors, and overall brand voice. These guidelines ensure consistency across all communication channels.

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Design Process

This user-focused design process fosters a platform that empowers individuals of various technical backgrounds to unlock the potential of data through intuitive data exploration, insightful visualizations, and secure collaboration tools within Sisense.

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App architecture

Sisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design - Ai

User Research

We recently conducted user research involving 28 individuals. Through interviews, surveys, or usability testing we gathered valuable insights into pain points and user needs.

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Sisence Grid System

Sisence layout grid is formed by vertical columns that divide the design space. This creates a framework for positioning elements like text, images, and other user interface components.

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As part of our initiative, we extended our focus to crafting a mobile app, aligning with our commitment to delivering an intuitive and visually captivating platform.

We prioritize understanding the diverse needs of Sisense users. Recognizing the importance of efficient data exploration, our design prioritizes user-friendliness. This ensures users can effortlessly navigate the platform, access critical insights, and unlock the power of data analysis with minimal effort.

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Pain points this app solves

By addressing these pain points, Sisense aims to streamline data exploration, analysis, and communication, ultimately leading to better decision-making for its users.

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Sisence Mobile App

Sisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design - AiSisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design - AiSisense AI Assistant - SaaS & UX UI Design - Ai


From competitor analysis to the tangible outcome you see today. Our journey in designing Sisence has been a transformative one.

Our project showcases a special and captivating brand image designed carefully to meet its goals. The team’s strong dedication is evident in creating a super easy-to-use interface.

Thanks for watching. Rondesignlab team.

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The girl smiles


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