Stratus CRM - SaaS & UX UI Design


Our customization features require technical expertise. We need a user-friendly solution to simplify the process for non-technical users.

Portrait of Harrison S., CIO of Stratus CRM

Harrison S.

CIO, Stratus CRM

Stratus CRM dashboard showcasing redesigned user interface


Stratus CRM is a robust solution designed to streamline and optimize your customer interactions. With advanced features like lead tracking and customer segmentation.

  • Project


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  • Category

    SaaS, CRM

  • Date


User-friendly customization options in Stratus CRMLead tracking dashboard with real-time analyticsCustomer segmentation tool in Stratus CRMAutomated workflow and task management interfaceEmail campaign automation featureSales pipeline visualization for better trackingCRM reporting and analytics overviewDark mode UI design for Stratus CRM platformMobile version of Stratus CRM dashboardIntegration of Stratus CRM with third-party toolsUser onboarding flow for new customersCustomer feedback and review management system

Project Results

What we’ve done


We’re thrilled with the result! The updated design is much more intuitive, allowing our users to adapt to the platform more quickly.

Portrait of Harrison S., CIO of Stratus CRM

Harrison S.

CIO, Stratus CRM

Before and after comparison of Stratus CRM's UX improvements

Next iterations

Our plans for the future


Restructuring and redesigning platform content for improved clarity and easier navigation will be our next step.

Portrait of Harrison S., CIO of Stratus CRM

Harrison S.

CIO, Stratus CRM

Wireframe concept for upcoming CRM content restructure

Next work

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    [email protected]




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