PipeDrive - Finance CRM & UI UX Design
Welcome to the new project, ladies and gentelmans
According to the Central Economics Management the 72% of people around globe are using online bank services - quite a large count today
Pipedrive CRM
Deal Management Soft
Lovely symbol of Pipedrive right in front of your eyes
Scope Of Field
Here are some point we’ve been aiming at since very early start
User Research
Researching users is not complicated and must to-do task in every little/big work
User Survey
We decided to take a look inside of Pipedrive and spot any troubles inside
User Profiles
We’ve been loosing this phase of research for other projects, so came back to it
Black Theme
We’ve convinced guys at Pipedrive to make black theme, as it’s still on hype so
Landing Page
Website is perfect representation of team and CRM itself
Phone App
Refreshed as never before mobile version of Pipedrive Deal
Every single block is simple and not complicated at all, as the app is going to use my niece
The Finals
You made it, once again, for The Finals folks Appreciate your attention!
"Team at Pipedrive were doing well, but co-op with Rondesign brought us to the new, unseen, level ever before"
Shall we chat?
[email protected]Let’s